
Showing posts from July, 2020


Phase Rotation Engineering drawing may be isometric (three dimensional view) or orthographic (mostly two views of two dimensions). Orthographic drawing has basic two views of plan and elevation. It is represented in two styles. First angle projection style wherein elevation comes above the base line and plan below it. Third angle projection style wherein plan comes above the base line and elevation below it. The style is indicated in drawing by symbol. Default style is third angle projection. Similarly in electrical engineering also can have two styles for presentation of vector diagram. It may be either clockwise vector rotation or anticlockwise vector rotation. One of this is most popular and followed. Phase sequence RYB of three phases is presented as shown in the vector diagram. Decide the direction of the phase vector rotation.                 clockwise or anticlockwise? ...


Testing of Electrical Equipment Testing means examining the object to verify suitability of its performance in particular application. These tests may be quite simple to most complex. Simplest test may be observation by trained human whereas complex test may require precise instruments and setup handled by specially trained group. Testing may also be useful to pin point the defect and hint for the remedy to make it perfect. In general testing is to observe the effect of specific condition/s on particular parameter/s of the object. The object may be equipment, plant, etc. The condition may be single or more (High Voltage on Wet Insulators) and so also monitoring parameter may be one or more (test of new medicine on human for Effectiveness as well Side Effect ) depending upon requirements related to test piece. The basic aim of the testing is to ascertain satisfactory working of the equipment for planned service under likely operating conditions. Appropriate test procedure...