
Showing posts from 2020


  Fridgeyser   Energy saving is important task and achieved by various manners. It may be as simple as using natural substitutes like using day light and breeze instead of electric lights and fans. Anybody can contribute by some simple steps like switching off lights, fans, ACs when leaving the premises. Little care for just required usage of various services may save energy. Limited lighting while watching TV, table lamps on study table, AC operation just at comfortable temperature setting can save energy. Adoption of high efficiency gadgets like LED Light, Star labeled Fan, Refrigerator, AC etc saves energy. Also Cascade utilization, Waste Recovery, etc is implemented for energy saving. Here is one such arrangement for energy saving. Following house hold gadgets are common in almost all homes. Domestic Refrigerator ……….. colloquially Fridge. Hot water system ………………. colloquially Geyser. Fridge The Refrigerator is used for storing eatables at low temperature to ...


  Speed of Alternators and Motors with different loads There are two identical alternators having individual prime mover as shown in the figure. They are connected to a common bus and operating parallel but catering different KW loads. There are also two identical induction motors connected to the same common bus as shown. These motors are running with unequal loads. Load on one motor is more as compared to other. In this condition Speed (RPM) of both Motors can be same or different? Why? Speed (RPM) of both Alternators can be same or different? Why? Answer Readers, Quiz is a mental exercise to enhance reasoning power in the subject. Hence personal attempt for reply is expected before jumping to answer. Answer given here is just for confirmation. Proceed Answer Motors Motors are running with different loads. Motor slip is proportional to its load. So slip of both motors may be different. Running speed of motor is synchronous speed minus slip speed. Hence motor r...


  Alternators of different numbers of poles There are two alternators having similar rating in all respect except numbers of poles. One is four pole machine whereas other is six pole machine. Is it feasible to synchronize them for parallel operation?

Energy Saving in Tower Building

  Energy Conservation Opportunities in Water Supply System of Multi Storey Buildings   As general practice all multi storey buildings have water tank on the terrace. All occupants get their water supply from this tank. Obviously tank size has to be big enough to store sufficient water required for all occupants. Pump-set is provided for pumping water to the tank either from bore well or sump. There is distribution piping network for all apartments at various floors. While examining various alternatives, it is found that there is huge scope for energy saving. This requires radical changes starting from design of the building. Masonry Water storage tank is to be build for each floor instead of common tank at terrace. These tanks may be like column of tanks one over the other. Tank height may be equal to floor height and base as per water storage requirement for one floor only. There will be no tank on ground floor level. Top tank will be on terrace. This means ...


  Answer                                                    Length Actual Resistance R = ρ ×   --------------                                                    Area   But length and cross section area is not specified   Actually length is the dimension along the direction of current and area is across the direction of current.   Therefore there are three possibilities depending upon the direction of the current as under.     ...


  Conductor Resistance   A piece of conducting material having specific resistance ρ has dimensions as per drawing Calculate its actual resistance R in term of ρ, X, Y, Z. ANSWER


  Answer Current I 1   is  R-phase  current which is  5 Amps . Current I 2  is sum of current of  R-phase  &  Y-phase . They are 5 Amps each but 120 degree apart. Vector sum of these two is also  5 Amps  as shown hereunder in vector diagram. Current I 3   is sum of currents in  B-phase  &  Current I 2   (Sum of  R-phase  &  Y-phase) . As these current are equal and opposite, vector sum is zero.                  Vector Diagram                   Ultimtely                              I 1  = 5 Amps                  I 2  = 5 Amps                  ...


  Fridge in Room There is a room perfectly heat sealed so that transfer of heat from room to outside or from outside to room is not possible. Temperature sensor is provided in the room to monitor room temperature from outside. One fridge is also in the room.   As experiment, the room is closed after switching ON fridge with its door open.   Room temperature is observed after about ten hours running of fridge with its door open in this closed room.   There are three probabilities. Either room temperature will  INCREASE   or  DECREASE  or  NO CHANGE.   What is expected and Why? Answer Readers, Quiz is a mental exercise to enhance reasoning power in the subject. Hence personal attempt for reply is expected before jumping to answer. Answer given here is just for confirmation. Proceed There is no scope for the heat to enter or leave the room as room is closed and sealed. One assumption may be cooled air from...

Motor Testing by Test Lamp

  Motor Testing by Test Lamp Preamble This is regarding testing of three phase squirrel cage induction motor. As known stator has winding whereas rotor has only conductor bars connected to end rings at both ends. So probability of fault is negligible due to sturdy construction. Any damage is detectable by visual inspection only. Numbers of coils are coils placed in different slots of core in stator as per design. These coils are interconnected in three groups for three phases. Six ends of three groups are taken out in terminal box for external connection with supply. They are marked like A 1 -A 2 ,   B 1 -B 2 and C 1 -C 2   or R 1 -R 2 ,   Y 1 -Y 2 and B 1 -B 2 Motor is subjected to abnormal operating conditions like high voltage or voltage surge, over heating due to over load, low supply voltage or single phasing. So there is possibility of damage or degrading of insulation resulting in current leakage to body, between phases or between turns of the coil. Ov...