


 Energy saving is important task and achieved by various manners. It may be as simple as using natural substitutes like using day light and breeze instead of electric lights and fans. Anybody can contribute by some simple steps like switching off lights, fans, ACs when leaving the premises. Little care for just required usage of various services may save energy. Limited lighting while watching TV, table lamps on study table, AC operation just at comfortable temperature setting can save energy. Adoption of high efficiency gadgets like LED Light, Star labeled Fan, Refrigerator, AC etc saves energy. Also Cascade utilization, Waste Recovery, etc is implemented for energy saving.

Here is one such arrangement for energy saving.

Following house hold gadgets are common in almost all homes.

Domestic Refrigerator ……….. colloquially Fridge.

Hot water system ………………. colloquially Geyser.


The Refrigerator is used for storing eatables at low temperature to keep it fresh and avoid spoiling due to bacterial activity. Cooling is achieved by using characteristic behavior of refrigerant (gas) while compression and expansion. So compressor is an essential component of the refrigerator. It may be rotary or linear compressor but it is operated by AC or DC electric motor. Ultimately electricity is used for achieving cooling in the refrigerator.  

Refrigerator is working as heat pump. It captures heat from inside compartment and throws it out in surroundings through condenser. The heat released in surrounding is sum of heat captured from the inside compartment plus the heat produced by compressor and motor. The heat so released in open is a waste and raise room temperature that is uncomfortable to the occupants.   


Geyser is used for heating water for various household applications including bathing. Heat is produced by using electrical energy or other type of fuel for heating the water. Means energy is spent for heating purpose.   

It is seen that fridge release heat as waste while geyser use energy for producing heat. Functions of above two gadgets are complementary. Waste heat of fridge can be utilized for heating water. Merger of fridge and geyser can be energy saving arrangement.

This being combination of Fridge and Geyser, it is identified as Fridgeyser. This can be illustration of cascade utilization OR waste recovery. 


Condenser of the fridge has to be heat exchanger. It may be shell and tube type parallel flow heat exchanger. Hot refrigerant will flow through parallel pipes surrounded by water in the shell. In regular fridge the hot refrigerant enter the condenser from bottom and leave from top. Cooling of condenser is air natural (AN) type. Cold air enters around the condenser from the bottom and rise upward on getting lighter due to rise in temperature. Air flow is natural by convection. Generally forced draught using  air fan is not common. Here the refrigerant and cooling water flows in the same direction from bottom to top known as concurrent parallel flow system. Heat exchanger shown in the sketch is similar type. However it can be counter current flow type for better performance. Wherein refrigerant will flow from top to downward and cooling water will flow as it is from bottom to upward. Refrigerant is flowing due to force of compressor and hence it is possible to have direction of flow as desired. But flow of cooling water is by natural convection and hence its direction may be from bottom towards top only.


Heat exchanger shell is connected to hot water conservator from top and bottom by piping. Conservator also has outlet piping for drawing hot water and inlet piping for water topping. Whole hot water system comprising condenser conservator and piping are heat insulated.

Energy Saving

Cooling will be better in heat exchanger as water is better media compare to air. Compressor operating time is reduced due to fast cooling in refrigerator. Coefficient of Performance of refrigerator improves requiring less energy for same cooling effect. On the other hand, hot water is available without consuming energy as waste heat is utilized for heating water.

So energy saving is in both the units. Energy consumption of refrigerator is reduced. Hot water is available as by product without using energy. Also use of these gadgets is in most of the houses throughout the year. Total energy saving is expected to be very big.

 Other Benifite

Normal refrigerator is releasing heat in the air around the condenser. So room temperature increases.  It may be uncomfortable to occupant and operate fan to get relief from hot air. This is indirect additional energy consumption in normal refrigerator. In case of AC room, this may be additional heat load on AC and consume more energy. But such situation is avoided in proposed fridgeyser and is also indirect energy saving.

Test piece was fabricated using old fridge as shown in the picture. Condenser was enclosed in chamber fabricated using GI sheet and was covered by thermocole. Big plastic jar covered with thermocole was used as water conservator. PVC pipes were used for water circuit. Performance was encouraging. Cooling was fast and compressors operating time was reduced. There was significant temperature rise in conservator water. We could not take it to standard laboratory for exact assessment of saving as it was not feasible to transport being very delicate.