Energy Saving Scope for Air Conditioners

Energy Saving Scope for Air Conditioners

Darkness is absence of light. Similarly cool means absence of heat. So cooling is expelling heat from any space. Air conditioning systems are intended to evacuate heat from specific area called controlled area. Chill water plant, central ac plant and package units are installed for cooling big premises. For homes and offices, small units of 1 to 2 tones capacity are used. Window units used earlier are now obsolete and now split units are most common. Normally cooling area is a close room and air inside is circulated by AC.

Flow of heat from higher temperature to lower temperature side is natural. But duty of air conditioner is to transfer heat from room at lower temperature to outside atmosphere at comparative higher temperature. This requires some trick to accomplish the objective.  

The process required for cooling the room is similar to removing splashed water on floor of the room. This is done by spreading loose mop over the water. The loose mop absorbs some water. It is than taken outside side where water is to be released. Than mope is squeeze to release the water. The process is repeated continuously and successively water is removed from the floor.

The role of refrigerant is similar to mop in AC. In the inner unit, liquid refrigerant is released through expansion valve. So its pressure drops and cools down below the room temperature. Blower forces air over evaporator coils while cooled refrigerant is allowed to flow through the coils. Here refrigerant absorbs heat from air and evaporate and turn into gaseous form whereas the air loose heat and cool down. This cold air is distributed from bottom vent in the room. Air temperature increase a bit after interaction with the occupants and move upward. This air is taken in the AC from top for further cooling and circulation continues. Refrigerant gas from inner unit is drawn by outer unit and compressed to high pressure. So it is heated up to temperature higher than ambient and sent to condenser coils. Air forced by the fan over the condenser coil takes heat of refrigerant to atmosphere and cool down to liquid. The process of circulation of refrigerant continues. In this way heat from the room is successively thrown out.

There are three motors in AC for above function.

Compressor Motor
Used for compression of refrigerant. This motor is of highest rating amongst the three. Thermostat controls start and stop of this motor during AC is ON

Condenser Fan Motor
Fan forces air on condenser coils to cool down refrigerant. This fan works only when compressor is operating.

Both above are in external unit.

Blower Motor
Blower in internal unit circulates cold air in the room. Comparative hot return air is taken from top opening through filters and passed over evaporator (cooling coils) where loose heat and cool down. This cold air is distributed in the room. This motor runs continuously till air conditioner in ON.

Motor for air vent diverter is very small and its energy consumption is insignificant.

The role of thermostat in inner unit is very important. Desired temperature can be set by operator. When room temperature falls below the set value, further cooling down is suspended by cut off supply to compressor and condenser fan. After some time compressor and condenser fan are restarted by thermostat control when room temperature go up the set value. When temperature setting is low, compressor and condenser fan run longer to attain that temperature level. But in case of high temperature setting running time is shorter and off time is longer. This means thermostat temperature setting controls the running pattern of compressor and fan. Energy consumption by AC depends on temperature setting. It is estimated to have about 5% reduction in energy consumption by increasing temperature setting by 10C.

AC is meant to combat uncomfortable surroundings due to high temperature. Objective is to bring down temperature and humidity to comfortable level. It may be ridiculous to have very low temperature that is uncomfortable and expensive. The comfortable temperature zone is in the range of 240C to 280C depending on metabolic rate of occupant.

But due to ignorance, misconception or impatience, AC operated with low temperature setting. Person experience poor cooling effect when AC is started after entry in the room from outside hot atmosphere. Actually he is carrying lot of heat from hot atmosphere outside. On starting the A/C, its function to vacate heat is stated but AC is not magical device that instantly change temperature from 350C to 250C. Temperature drop is in process and may take some time. But without waiting, setting is reduced to minimum and then forgets or ignores to reset it. Eventually lower setting continues throughout the AC operation and results in over cooling. Actually cooling cannot be fast by reducing temperature setting. Once decide appropriate setting and as far as possible it should not be disturbed.

This problem of poor cooling at the time of entry can be overcome by advance start of AC using facility of IOT. Some air conditioner has this facility of remote operation by mobile. Or simple way is to instruct assistant to start air conditioner in advance.

Similar in bed room setting is kept very low for fast cooling. Late night temperature drops very low and use blanket. Use of sleep mode function enables automatic raise of setting in steps at late night. Increasing setting from 200C to 260C results in 30% saving of energy. So most important tip is to have proper temperature setting. Other tips are as under.


Internal unit 
It should be installed in such a way that air flow is not obstructed. Air is taken in the unit from the top. So there should be sufficient space at top without any obstruction in the air path. Cooled air is delivered from bottom. So there should not be anything like cupboard, curtain, etc that obstruct the air movement. Obstruction reduces air flow that result in less cooling requiring long time operation of compressor. Also load on blower increase. All result in higher power consumption.

External unit
It should also have the similar arrangement for free air flow. There has to be sufficient space on back, top and sides of the unit. Condenser has to discharge maximum heat of compressed refrigerant to atmosphere. Direct sun rays on condenser will add heat. So cooling and condensing of refrigerant may not be perfect as expected and reflect in performance. During operation of AC external unit should remain in shed. Mostly AC is operated in afternoon and night hours. Therefore external unit may be installed on east side wall or provide shed such that it protect from sun rays but air flow is not blocked.

Avoid this

Avoid this

Heat Ingress
Air conditioners are used when outdoor is very hot. If this external heat enters the room, the machine has to draw out this additional heat also to attain desired temperature. This results in longer time running of compressor consuming more energy. Therefore all efforts have to be made to restrict the entry of heat in the room.

If the room is on top floor, the terrace is heated by sun rays and the heat is transfer to room by conduction. This can be avoided/minimize by painting terrace with white glossy paint or providing mosaic of light colored glassed tiles pieces. This reflects run the rays. Also green net at about two/three feet above the terrace may prevent sun rays heating the terrace. Room ceiling can have thermocol lining as heat insulator or false ceiling wherein trapped air acts as insulator. 

Wall of the room facing the sun is heated by sun rays and transfer to room by conduction. This can be eliminated by painting outer side of wall with light color glossy paint. Inside of wall can have wooden or thermocol lining as insulator covered by decorative wall paper.

Glass window of the room can have sun ray control film. Window can have double glass (inner and outer). Air trapped between glasses acts as thermal insulation. Light color cotton curtain on window also block radiation.

Cold air leakage and entry of hot air from outside has to be controlled by blocking openings. Doors and windows should remain closed when air conditioner is operating. Door seal and door closer should be installed. Air curtains or automatic door open/close device or air buffer at gate is suitable where frequent entry/exit. 

Capacity of air conditioner depends on air volume (room size), numbers of occupants (persons in the room) and heat load (heat ejected by gadgets in room). AC of lower capacity than required could not cool down to temperature setting. So compressor runs continuously without rest and has probability of failure. Similar condition occurs where room is open to kitchen, other room or up stair.

Air filters of internal unit should be clean periodically. Reverse air blowing through condenser and evaporator coils to remove blockages by deposition of dust etc. Air flow is restricted due to blockages resulting in slow cooling leading to longer compressor operation. Check leakages of refrigerant from joints using soap solution. When cooling is very poor than normal, gas pressure to be checked and top up if required. See that air path of external unit is not blocked by bird nest, paper or polyethylene piece.  

Always check that temperature setting is not disturbed by someone. Also see that AC is switched off while leaving the room. Occupancy sensors are useful to avoid wasteful running of air conditioner in absence of occupant. Check that doors and windows are properly closed. Do not encourage anyone to stand in open door and talk. Iron or hot plate / stove should not be used in the air conditioned room. It has dual disadvantage. It adds undue heat load increasing energy consumption of AC. Also part of the heat generated by iron or hot plate is taken away by air conditioner and hence iron or plate takes more time to heat up and consuming more energy. Stove consumes oxygen and emits carbon dioxide in the closed room and lead to serious condition.

About 6 to 8 hours are spent in bed room. While AC is on doors and windows are closed. Oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is released due to breathing of occupants. Condition may be worst during last segment of the night. So it is better to have small vent in AC bed room to maintain proportion of oxygen and carbon dioxide by diffusion through it.   

While AC is on the doors and windows of the car are closed. AC operated in air circulation mode for effective cooling. The volume of air in car is less and number of passengers may be more as compared to bed room. Proportion of oxygen is reduced and carbon dioxide is increased due to breathing. Occasionally it is observed that passengers feel weary after long travel even though it was comfortable with AC. It is worth to change circulation to fresh air mode for about a minute every hour.

Star Rating
Star Rating is compulsory by low for air conditioners. Star label has Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER). More stars means more efficient machine having higher EER that consume less power.
One ton cooling capacity equals 3518 watts.
Power consumption = cooling capacity ÷ EER
AC of 1.5 ton capacity and EER 3.3 has average power requirement = 3518 × 1.5 ÷ 3.3
= 1599 Watts means 1.599 Units per Hour.

High star rated AC are costly. But additional cost is set off by reduction in electricity bill for AC. This gain in bill depends on expected numbers of hour of utilization of AC in the year. It is worth to opt for higher star AC for office or bed room wherein AC operated for more hours but for guest room AC utilization may be limited.

Up to 40% energy saving is possible by adopting applicable measures as above.

Air conditioner is highest energy consuming domestic gadget compare to geyser and fridge. Scope for energy saving is also high as above. Maximum benefit can be availed by implementing applicable measures as discussed here above. In addition to personal benefit, it is also our moral duty to contribute conservation of scarce entity like electricity and indirectly be instrumental in control of Green House Gases and ultimately Global Warming.