Neutral Break to Distribtion System
Study of Neutral Break Condition
In case of transmission
system, there is situation when load (received)
voltage is higher than supply (sending) voltage.
This phenomenon is Ferranti Effect. This happens on Unloaded Long EHV line. But similar situation occurs in distribution
system on Loaded Short
LV line under neutral break condition.
There are two
conditions of neutral break as under
Consumers continue to get normal phase and line voltage as usual. Effect of such isolation is on its ground fault protection and insulation system.
A. B. Conditions when neutral connection to distribution system is open as shown in the figure due to break between transformer neutral to distribution system.
This condition of neutral break has serious impact on single phase
power users in distribution system.
This fact is important for engineer who has to work in power distribution companies or industries having distribution network. Ignorance of the fact may lead to havoc due to severe damage to single phase equipments.
Each phase voltage is equal to line voltage divided by √3. When line voltage is 433V, phase voltage
is 250V. Normal system neutral point is at the centre N of the vector triangle
as in the diagram. Phase voltage Vrn, Vyn and Vbn are equal ( = Line voltage / √3) as appear in the diagram. Condition when
transformer neutral connection toward distribution side is open is known as Floating Neutral. If the load is balanced on three
phases than floating neutral continue to be at center and still all the three phase
voltage will be normal. But if the load is unbalanced on three phases than neutral
gets shifted from N to N’ as sown in the vector diagram and phase voltages are
also unequal. Phase voltage with respect to shifted neutral may be higher on
one or two phase and lower on other phases. Shifting of neutral and deviation
in phase voltage depends on pattern of unbalance of single phase load. Ultimately
single phase consumers on particular phase may have low voltage and face
associated problems like reduced lamp brightness, starting trouble of tube
light and also high current, overheating and occasional failure of motors of
various gadgets like water pump, fridge, air conditioner etc. Whereas single
phase consumers on other phase have high voltage and face associated problem
like fusing of lamp, damage to electronic circuits like that of TV, Audio
system, Desktop and also failure of gadgets due to breakdown of insulation.
Instrument/equipment Required
It should be delta /
star of any vector group so as to have three phases with neutral on load side.
Secondary phase voltage should be less than
Can be adjusted by variac on primary side.
For neutral AC Ampere meter 0-10A 1 No.
AC Voltmeter 0-500V 1 No.
Single pole switch 1 No.
For Three phase AC Ampere meter 0-10A 3 No.
(OR Single pole switch 3 No.)
Three phase variac
Three phase lamp
Connecting wires
Connections made as
per diagram.
Ampere meters are
connected in each phase to monitor loads. Single pole switch can be connected
in place if required meters not available. This will facilitate to utilize one ampere
meter for all.
Measure phase
voltage at load and adjust to less than 200V by variac on supply side.
This is to protect
lamps when high voltage occurs.
Load can be three phase lamp bank OR three single phase lamp banks connected in star.
Four conditions to be studied
A. Balananced Load &
Continuous Neutral
B. Balananced Load &
Broken Neutral
C. Unbalananced Load &
Continuous Neutral
D. Unbalananced Load & Broken Neutral
A. Data to be recorded
Each phase load
current. Ir, Iy, Ib
Read ampere directly
if ammeter is provided. Else follow as under
First connect
ammeter across switch and then toggle switch to OFF and read the current.
Than first toggle
switch to ON and disconnect meter. Repeat this for others current readings.
Each Phase Voltage
(phase to neutral) r2-n2, y2-n2, b2-n2
Neutral Current n1-n2 (with switch OFF)
Open Neutral Voltage n1-n2 (with switch OFF)
Keep all switches ON
Switch ON supply,
measure phase voltage and adjust to less than 200V by variac.
Switch ON lamp bank
and adjust balance load and take meter readings as per table.
With same load,
neutral switch made OFF and take meter readings as per table.
Neutral switch made
ON and adjust unbalance load and take meter readings as per table.
With same load, neutral
switch made OFF and take meter readings as per table.
Step D can be repeated with different combination of unbalance load.
Observation Table
Case |
Ir |
Iy |
Ib |
Vr2n2 |
Vy2n2 |
Vb2n2 |
In1n2 |
Vn1n2 |
Remark |
Case 1A |
Case 1B |
Case 2A |
Case 2B |
Extra |
Extra |
Use reading of case
Centre of triangle n1 is transformer neutral
Draw three arches of
measured phase voltage from respective node.
Common intersection
of arches n2 is the load side displaced neutral.
Measure n1n2 . It should tally with observed voltage between transformer and load neutral.
Current Vector
Draw phase current end to end to add up. (This is equilateral triangle for balanced load. )
Here this may be
open triangle due to unbalanced load.
Measured open side
that represent neutral current. It should tally with observed neutral current.
Phase voltage in
distribution system increase/decrease when neutral break in unbalance load
Field Application
The effect of unequal phase voltage may not be severe where load is
almost balanced as in industrial zone where most of the load is three phase.
But effect is severe in residential and commercial zone where most of
the load is single phase.
It is important to take extra care for continuity of neutral line.
Break in phase line is failure of supply to consumers on that phase. Impact is no supply for some time.
But impact of break in neutral line is damage to numbers of gadgets of many consumers.