Transmission Lines


Transmission Lines


Once there was a question from the audience as under.

Inductance and capacitance of transmission line depends on its length, conductor size, separation and configuration etc. But particular line has fixed R, L & C. While in operation this line is acting as source or sink of the reactive power. How this happens?

This requires review of transmission line fundamentals.

As resistance of line has no role in this aspect, we concentrate only on L & C of line.

Inductance of the line is along the conductor and capacitance is between the conductors spread over the line as in the figure. Only one pair i.e. two conductors are shown for clarity.  In fact each of the three conductors has inductance and each of three pairs of conductors has capacitance. 

In equivalent circuit of the line total inductance L and total capacitance C of the line is considered as lump and represented in the form of Tee or π form as under.

Line capacitance is between the conductors as seen in above equivalent diagrams. Hence capacitance gets charged whenever line receives supply from any one end. Therefore act of switching line from any one end is called charging of the line. Till the other end is open, there is no through path and power is not transmitted. In this condition line has only capacitive reactive power as under.

Line capacitance = C,  Capacitive reactance Xc = 1/2πfC,  Reactive power = V2/Xc

This remains fixed irrespective of the load on the line. This appears as fixed capacitive power in the chart below load line. As per convention, inductive power is considered as positive. So capacitive power is negative. Long line under such charged condition has higher voltage at other end compared to charging end voltage. This phenomenon is known as Ferranti Effect. Line reactors are provided at the ends of long EHV lines to control high voltage under such only charged condition. Power flow starts only after the line is switched ON at other end. Direction and amount of power flow depending on system parameters. Practically line reactor has no role once the line is in service and power flow starts. Some time line is fully loaded and system voltage is also poor. In such condition disconnection of line rectors can improve voltage profile. But yet cannot be disconnect because tripping of line only at one end have Ferranti effect.

Inductive element is along the conductor and carries load current as it comes in series with the load.

Line inductance = L,  Inductive reactance XL= 2πfL,  Reactive power = I2XL

This is load dependant and proportional to square of the load current. This appears as inductive power increasing with load in the chart.

Chart shows variations in capacitive, inductive and resultant net reactive power along with the load. It is seen that at a particular load capacitive and inductive power are equal and cancels and net reactive power is zero. This load is known as Surge Impedance Loading (SIL). In this condition line behaves as if only resistive. Therefore it is ideal operating conditions and always preferred to have line loading close to SIL. Whenever load on line is lower than SIL it behaves like capacitive element delivering reactive power to the system. Similarly whenever load on line is higher than SIL it behaves like inductive element absorbing reactive power from the system. Such effect is predominant when load on line is far from SIL on either side. But load on the line depends on network conditions and many parameters. So load on line may not be matching SIL for all the time and hence advantage of ideal operation not available.

However it may be possible to modify SIL to match line loading as under.

Line capacitance = C,  Capacitive reactance Xc = 1/2πfC,  Reactive power = V2/Xc

Increase of C means decrease of Xc and increase of reactive power. It is seen in the chart that increase in capacitive power will shift SIL to higher load.

Line inductance = L,  Inductive reactance XL= 2πfL,  Reactive power = I2XL

Increase of L means increase of XL and increase of reactive power. It is seen in the chart that increase in inductive power will shift SIL to lower load

So addition of capacitance or inductance to line can change its SIL. It may be possible to adjust SIL to line load by variable L and C.

This additional inductive element and capacitive element can be connected in series or shunt with the line. Elements in series with line are subjected to load current of the line including overload and fault current. Therefore they should have current rating accordingly. The reactive power of the series element varies with the load. Capacitors in series can have self regulating feature. However it can have provision for adjustment as per situation. Reactive power of shunt corrective element remains fixed and needs to be adjusted as required. But its current capacity requirement may be to its own capacity only as do not to carry load current. But it is subject to full line voltage and surges and needs insulation system accordingly.

Arrangement as above enables transmission line to operate in ideal condition at any load. Transmission line behaves like flexible to adjust itself for ideal operating condition and hence is called Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS).

Corrective elements used for the purpose are called FACTS Devices. Provision of such devices on line is also beneficial to optimize system operation as condition requires. Various devices are available and employed according to suitability. These are Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitors (TCSC), Static Synchronous Series Compensators (SSSC), Static VAR Compensator (SVC), Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM), Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC), Thyristor  Controlled Phase Shifting Transformer (TCPST) etc.

Use of above devices enables line flexibility in many aspects such as Enhance Power Transfer Capability, Increase Stability, Controllability, Congestion Management, Loss Optimization, Damping to inter area oscillations, Fast Reactive Power Control etc.